Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Getting Organized

It was very important to us that we gather our thoughts and spend time organizing the tasks that we had before us. Our first impulse was to run out and start buying gear once we knew what we needed. That was our first impulse - the second impulse was to stay away from the stores and focus instead on the training. Again we wanted to jump right in and start walking and cross-training - that was an initial impulse - the better decision was to ask just what we hoped to accomplish with our training routine and then research and design a proper program. After reading numerous posts on the Camino Forum we had a good idea of how to train. We quickly realized that the training would be the most important task on the project. After all - we could go to the health club and do a workout - then go shopping. Better to train first - shop second. We already had all the workout clothes since we have belonged to a health club for the last five or six years - so that was easy.  Let me pause here and say that our current club is Planet Fitness.

We really like this place. It is inexpensive - open almost 24/7 - but most of all they promote the idea of "the judgement free zone". It is clean and modern - loaded with everything you would need - and the atmosphere is excellent. Neither of us loves working out - it is unnatural to exercise - there are a lot of other things that most people would rather be doing.  At Planet Fitness nobody is judging you - how fast you run or walk - how much weight you put on a machine - how you are dressed. It truly is a no judgement zone - basic fitness in a friendly and healthy environment.  That makes it easy to focus mainly on our routine.  We do aerobic exercises and some weights. Building endurance and stability in the joints - especially the hips,knees and ankles - is our goal. In the process we will lose some weight - which will be nice to help offset the weight of the back packs that will become a permanent part of us for those six weeks. We spend anywhere from sixty to ninety minutes at the club - four days a week. Right now during the mid-western winters we will do the majority of our training inside. As soon as it warms up - we will hit the trails and hills.

The training will continue for the next six months up until we board the airplane. In the meantime - we also are testing gear and making final decisions on what to keep and what to return.  Next - the gear.

Buen Camino
Dale and Arlene


  1. Once the weather warms, if you want a 'scenic' local outdoor hike, I recommend saw wee kee park off orchard and 71(you take the little road to the west just north of the intersection... i think it's called budlong... it wraps around along the riverfront... you'll see signage for the park).

    Lots of wooded hiking trails make for a nice scenic walk (if you want extra motivation, look into geocacheing... this is a great spot for it). I used to go there quite a bit while i was living back in town. If you do check it out, stay aware of what's around you, as mountain bikers share these trails and can move at quite a clip so you'll want to listen for them and make room (they are usually good about announcing themselves)... and be sure to use bug spray as it's the riverfront! happy training!!

  2. Hi Brookelyn - thanks for the hint - just waiting for warmer weather
