Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Camino Tattoos

It is now nine months since we walked from Pamplona to Santiago - a feat that many still do not believe we actually did. For us - it was suppose to be a one time event - something to add - and scratch off - our life's bucket list. Of course - like many - we do not have a bucket list - this was done completely on a whim - a challenge to ourselves - to literally step outside our comfort zone - go to a foreign country - place our lives - our well being - our safety and comfort - completely into the hands of God -the people of Northern Spain and other peregrinos -of whom we did not know. If you have read our earlier posts - you know that it was a fantastic experience. Like many who walked before us -like those now walking the same trail - the Camino de Santiago gets into your blood - refuses to leave - refuses to go away. Memories and daily reminders - abound - constantly beckoning you back - to a point that many have the need to - wear their Camino experience on their sleeve. This desire frequently manifests as a Camino tattoo. 

Arlene's CaminoTattoo

Our time to resist has come and gone - as evidenced by the photo above - Arlene's right ankle now proudly displays her forever Camino shell - drawn by our granddaughter - Gaby - tattoo artistry courtesy of Proton of DeKalb, Illinois. I have not yet yielded to the forces of the Camino -no ankle tattoo for me - I make every effort to avoid anything around my ankles and veins- having had vein surgery for a valve problem - the same surgery which I partially blame for my twin brother's early demise.  Maybe a shoulder - that is far enough away from the area of concern - maybe - that will be a future post. Thousands of peregrinos have done exactly what Arlene did - the size and styles - as various as the people who wear them. How anyone remembers their Camino experience is up to each person - just as how and when and why they walk - it is their Camino- there is no wrong way to walk - to remember.

Buen Camino
Dale & Arlene

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